Passion Project Proposal

1. Describe your project. If you are doing a fine art/documentary series, pretend that you are a freelance photographer and I am an art sponsor you are pitching an idea for funding. Use this paragraph to sell your idea to me so that I approve the funding needed to support you.

If you are choosing an advertising or fashion type photo series, pretend I am an art director hiring a photographer for a high profile client, and this proposal is your application. Sell the idea to me, so I hire you.

I want to photograph a fine art series of photographs by using balloons to represent different emotion of people. This artwork is worth to work on because it shows a deeper meaning and might encourage people to think differently.

2. What is the purpose/meaning/story of your series? What do you hope viewer’s gain from your series?

I want to use different color balloons to represent people's emotion. in different conditions. The purpose of this series is to separate the idea that some people do not always show their mood through facial expression. For example, people might show a smile but actually in pain or anger.

3. What photographer(s) are you drawing inspiration from? Include their sites. What about their photography drew you to them? What ideas/technics are you going to imitate from their work? How are you going to make yourself different than their work?

This is the photograph that I get the idea from. The artist is called Gabriel Isak ( The depression feeling and the combine of the human face and balloon really attract me. What I am going to do differently is I am going to do a series of them, and I will change the color of the ballon to express more emotion. Most importantly, I will alter different locations in the photograph.

4. What technical skill(s) will you be learning/further developing for this series?
I need to use photoshop to do the balloons on the face and the background.


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